About Us


From the Start

In the spring of 2012, my world, along with the entire dance community, was shaken by the devastating loss of Marissa Parks. Marissa was not just a colleague at KAR Productions but a vibrant soul who had been a part of our dance family since the tender age of six. Competing on the KAR Dance Competition stage, she grew into an extraordinary dancer and eventually became a cherished member of our team. Her spirit, always uplifting and her smile, ever radiant, left an indelible mark on all who had the privilege of knowing her.

Marissa's battle with brain cancer and her subsequent passing was a profound tragedy. It was a moment that deeply affected me, both personally and professionally. Witnessing her courage, strength, and the way she continued to inspire and uplift those around her even in the face of such adversity was a turning point in my life. It propelled me to take action, to harness the collective power of the dance community in the fight against this merciless disease.

Thus, the "I'm A Dancer Against Cancer" campaign was conceived. Founded in 2012, it was our response to the grief and helplessness we felt in losing Marissa. It was a call to arms for dancers everywhere to unite in support of those battling cancer. What started as a tribute to one incredible dancer's fight against cancer has grown into a nationwide movement, offering hope and support to countless individuals within the dance community.

In 2014, recognizing the potential to make an even more significant impact, Dancers Against Cancer evolved into an official 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. This allowed us to extend our reach, providing financial assistance to dance educators, dancers, and their families affected by cancer. To date, we have raised over $2 million, a testament to the strength and generosity of our community.

As CEO of KAR Productions and someone who has seen the dance community rally time and time again, I am immensely proud of what Dancers Against Cancer has achieved. Marissa's legacy lives on through our work, inspiring us to continue fighting, supporting, and making a difference in the lives of those affected by cancer.

The journey has been both challenging and rewarding, filled with moments of profound sadness and incredible triumph. As we move forward, our mission remains the same: to support, to uplift, and to unite. We dance not just in memory of Marissa and those we have lost but in defiance of cancer itself.

Together, we are making hope dance.

Noah Lands

CEO, Dancers Against Cancer

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